I love Shopping Online , Well I guess I don’t always shop exactly, I ‘dream shop’ as I call it. My friends have picked up on the term and use it. Browse this website if you are looking for qualified online shopping.
But sometimes we dress up in our finest, and head down town for some proper window shopping. Well, not exactly window shopping, like standing there on the street staring in. No, we do proper window shopping. I call it ‘Pop In shopping. Walk in like you are serious, try lots of things on, and move on. Well maybe buy a little something. But there are times where it is just good to laze about, doing nothing but pass time away. I mean it’s not like I’m lazy and a ‘no fun’ sort of girl or anything. When I am being laid back, but there are some days where it’s nice to have a brain day off. My boyfriend calls it a ‘Brain Stall’, but what would he know, he’s a male.
It’s like when I am sitting on the couch, feet tucked up with my tablet on my lap just browsing the net, chatting with friends, watching a movie, and he teases that I only ever watch ‘chick flicks’, but hey, that’s better than watching his stuff, well some of the time it’s OK, but what would my man know about movies anyway. All he has to know about is me. That’s what my best friend say’s about her man. And she’s absolutely right. Always, just like me.
Anyway, that’s me when I am having a me day. When I’m not having a me day, then I’m at work, loving what I do, and that’s how a jobs got to be for me. I mean if you have to do something then you may as well do something you enjoy. I don’t know why my man stays in his job when he doesn’t seem to enjoy it that much, but that’s him, honest and faithful to me and the company he works for. I don’t mean to say I’m not, it’s just that I’ve found a way to enjoy being honest and faithful and get enjoyment out of it. I don’t want you to think he’s boring or anything, he’s not.
I’ve got a great wardrobe with something for every occasion. My favourite label is RM Williams mens clothing. My man likes his labels to, but mine are better, and he knows it when I wear my label when we are out together. How do I know he thinks my label is better? Well it’s because I get the looks. Doesn’t matter if it’s a casual café, one of our favourite restaurants, or a new one we’ve just found, a club, or my favourite thing, a social event. They’re my favourite because the way I dress gets the looks and my man and I get our photographs taken, like a lot of other people, but we get ours published more and I keep every one of them. He thinks I’m vein, but he’s wrong. I know what he thinks. He loves taking me out and He loves me being noticed. He loves me being the one other men desire. He loves knowing that I can out dress, whether I am dressing up for glitter and glamour, or dressing up for the casual affair. A women never dresses down.